
The first episode of History Channel's "American Pickers" aired Jan. 18, 2010. In the show's twenty-six seasons, Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz (along with stalwarts Danielle Colby and Robbie Wolfe) have galivanted around the country like a real-life Indiana Jones.

During that time, they uncovered thousands of antiques and relics in old barns and warehouses, sometimes rusting away under trees or buried in the ground. Some of their strangest finds include a Yoda prototype (the wizened Jedi Master from "The Empire Strikes Back") they bought for $6,200 and a pair of freaky Laurel & Hardy masks. They've stumbled across Aerosmith's first tour van and all manner of automobiles, motorcycles, bits, and baubles, some of which they failed to close a deal on, including a 1937 Cord 812 Convertible.

Wolfe, a bonafide Harley-Davidson fanatic, has gone so far as to purchase a mostly-in-pieces 1910 Royal Pioneer and another frame (only) for a 1920s-era Harley. And since most of the early auto and moto makers started off as bicycle makers, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the American Star high-wheeler bicycle and Overman Victor's "safety bike" from the 1880s they picked up in Wisconsin that set them back almost $4,000. So, given their penchant for old things, we give you seven of the oldest cars and motorcycles ever uncovered on "American Pickers.

" [Featured image by GPS 56 via Wikimedia Commons | Cropped and scaled | CC BY-SA 2.0 ] During season 11 (episode 10, "Enter the Negotiator"), Frank.

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