
Our morning habits impact our mood and energy levels more than we often realise. Many of these routines are performed on autopilot, without conscious thought, which may negatively affect the rest of our day. The good news? With just a few mindful minutes each morning, you can adopt simple practices that will transform your day.

Here are some expert-recommended tips from individuals who have mastered the art of thriving in a busy world. Open the windows We’re not just mentioning ventilation for the sake of hygiene—though it’s crucial for oxygenating your environment—but also because it revitalises people. Anabel Vázquez, co-founder of Laconicum, swears by this practice.

"Even if it's very cold, I like to open the windows when I get up. That fresh air is incredibly energising for me," she says. She also highlights the benefits of letting natural light flood in if it's already daytime, as it helps regulate circadian rhythms and enhances overall well-being.

Take your time getting out of bed Hitting the snooze button for a few extra minutes of sleep might seem tempting, but it's not the best way to start your day. In fact, this habit can spike cortisol levels, making it counterproductive. Instead, focus on waking up mindfully.

Vanessa Delli, creator of DelliCare, takes 10 minutes each morning to breathe deeply, sending oxygen throughout her body to activate it, and she mentally expresses gratitude for the new day. Another calming way to wake up is by indulging in a good stretch. This simple act promotes blood circulation, enhances joint flexibility, and releases any tension accumulated during sleep, leaving you with a sense of well-being.

Read for 10 minutes Additionally, incorporating reading into your morning routine is highly recommended. Hal Elrod, in his book Miraculous Mornings: The 6 Habits That Will Change Your Life Before 8:00 AM , emphasises the benefits of this practice, and experts agree. Jordi Nadal, in his book Libroterapia , states, " Reading well is taking care of your mental health.

" Reading not only generates dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter, but it also helps your brain disconnect, making it easier to make decisions. One friend of mine has adopted this habit during breakfast—without distractions like cell phones or social media—and she’s noticed a significant improvement in her mood. Take a French-style shower Mathilde Thomas, founder of Caudalie, highlights a simple yet powerful practice in her book The French Beauty Solution : taking a cold bath or shower for an "energising boost.

" Even in winter, a quick blast of cold water at the end of your shower can work wonders. A minute of mindfulness In his book Emotional Well-being: Keys to Live Better , positive psychology expert Joan Piñol recommends a one-minute breathing exercise that can be done at any time of day but is particularly beneficial in the morning for cultivating peace and energy. He advises focusing all your attention on your breath: “Keep your eyes open, breathe with your belly instead of your chest, and inhale through your nose while exhaling through your mouth.

Concentrate on the sound and rhythm of your breath.” Practice generosity Piñol explains the importance of generosity in reducing stress, improving well-being, and boosting self-confidence. "Practicing generosity is a cornerstone of mental health and one of the keys to leading a happy and healthy life," he writes.

Making generosity a morning habit can set a positive tone for the day. Simple acts like greeting someone with a smile, calling your parents, or sending a friendly message can strengthen social ties and uplift your mood. Every gesture counts.

Listen to the music you like Mathilde Thomas in her book The French Beauty Solution suggests listening to music at a moderate volume while getting ready. "Upbeat music instantly lifts your spirits and puts you in a good mood. What better way to approach your tasks than with a relaxed mind?" she says.

Alicia Iglesias offers a creative twist on this idea in her book Pon orden en tu vida . She suggests creating song sequences that match the length of your usual routines. "For example, I use this method during my morning routine or to time how long it takes me to get somewhere.

If I’m on the wrong song at a certain point, I know whether I’m ahead or behind schedule. This way, I don’t even need to check a watch," explains the organisational expert. This approach not only makes your routine more enjoyable but also helps you stay on track without the stress of constantly watching the clock.

Also Read: Want to build a new healthy habit? Just follow these 7 expert-approved steps 7 small habits that generate big changes in emotional well-being, according to an expert The wellness trends we'll be jumping on in 2023.

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