
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin The European robin is often considered the national bird of the United Kingdom. getty While the United Kingdom boasts its fair share of captivating cities—London, Edinburgh and Liverpool, to name a few—this famed European nation is also home to some truly impressive pockets of wilderness, each one boasting a wealth of fascinating species. For birdwatchers in particular, can’t-miss destinations span from the marshes of southern England to the craggy interior of northern Scotland, with each region offering particularly picturesque landscapes as an added bonus.

In an effort to highlight the spectacular biodiversity of the United Kingdom, rental company Party Houses has compiled a list of can’t-miss spots across the country, providing ample opportunity for birdwatchers to plan their next vacation. RSPB Exminster Marshes, Devon The Eurasian curlew is sometimes referred to as the "whaup" in the Scots language. getty In the southwestern reaches of England, Devon’s Exminster Marshes serve as a crucial safe haven for all sorts of waders, passerines and waterfowl, with the park’s native wetland habitats carefully monitored by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Upon arrival, visitors are welcome to tackle the region’s four-kilometer loop trail in search of common redshanks, sedge warblers, brent geese and a wealth of other birds that thrive along the water’s edge, while autumn visitors can look forward to species like the Eurasian curlew—a tall wader with a long, curved bill—as well as the pintail, a large duck that’s renowned for its lengthy feathers. Cairngorms National Park, Scotland Cairngorms National Park was officially established in 2003. getty While Cairngorms National Park boasts its fair share of mammals ranging from red squirrels to roe deer, the preserve is also a haven for all sorts of European birds, with snow buntings and crested tits found in abundance within its borders.

During the cooler months, visitors can spot the occasional flock of crossbills—a genus of small passerines that use their unique beaks to feed on conifers—while raptor fans should be sure to keep their eyes on the skies in search of golden eagles soaring above. Meanwhile, truly fortunate visitors may encounter a western capercaillie, a large grouse species that engages in a particularly intricate mating ritual. MORE FOR YOU Russian Troops Captured One Of Ukraine’s Dutch Armored Vehicles, Rode It Back Into Battle—And Promptly Got Killed WWE SmackDown Results, Winners And Grades On August 23, 2024 3 ‘Self-Control’ Strategies To Master Your Impulses—By A Psychologist RSPB Bempton Cliffs, East Yorkshire The Atlantic puffin is the only extant puffin species that's found outside of the Pacific Ocean.

getty East Yorkshire’s Bempton Cliffs are renowned for their spectacular beauty, but this towering natural feature has a lot more to offer than just its looks. During a stroll along the preserve’s nature trail, visiting birdwatchers can keep their eyes peeled for migratory passerines like the northern wheatear and red-breasted flycatcher, while native seals can also be found dotting the shoreline as an added bonus. While the preserve is idyllic all throughout the year, tourists arrive in droves during the summer to marvel at the high concentration of breeding seabirds, with puffins, guillemots and gannets all congregating along the cliffs.

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render(randId); }); })(); Fair Isle, Shetland The Fair Isle wren is a close relative of the more widespread Eurasian wren. getty Fair Isle may not be the easiest place to access, but those willing to travel to this isolated island will be richly rewarded with a wealth of rare bird sightings along its shores. Throughout autumn, the destination springs to life with all sorts of migratory warblers—Pallas’s and yellow-browed being two particularly notable varieties—while the local bird observatory has been in place since 1948, providing guests with ample opportunity to swap intel with fellow birders.

In between warbler-watching and scanning the coastline for seabirds, visitors should also keep an eye out for the Fair Isle wren, an endemic subspecies of the Eurasian wren. RSPB Arne, Dorset The Eurasian spoonbill develops a crest during breeding season. getty The spectacular natural beauty of southern England is on full display across RSPB Arne, a lush preserve situated on the edge of Poole Harbour.

While the park is popular with birdwatchers all throughout the year, fall brings the opportunity to marvel at Eurasian spoonbills as they sift through the sediment for prey, while the dartford warbler is a resident species that’s particularly easy to spot during autumn. In addition to ample birdwatching opportunities, RSPB Arne doubles as a top destination for herping, as each of the United Kingdom’s six native reptiles can be found thriving within its boundaries..

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