
5 Tips To Calm Yourself Night-time anxiety is very common among people who suffer from chronic stress and anxiety. Anxiety can severely impact one's sleep routine. Deep Breathing Practice deep breathing.

Take a deep breath in and deep breath out. Breathing will help distract you from your stressful thoughts and help you navigate through it. Also Read - Personalized Beauty: How Customized Treatments Are Revolutionizing Skincare Take A Short Walk Walking will help you get rid of negative thoughts.

You do not need to go out of your house, take a short stroll indoors to clear your mind and free yourself from the jitters. Keep Your Room Darkly Lit A darkly lit room will ensure that you fall asleep faster. If you get an anxiety attack during that time, try to play some soft, soothing music to calm your nerves and keep the room as dark as possible.

Also Read - What Is The Difference Between Teenage And Adolescence? Speak To Someone Or To Yourself If you are unbale to calm your anxiety, you should confide in someone. It can be someone from within the house or you can call a friend and talk to them for a minute of two. Distracting yourself and confiding in someone always helps.

Do Not Check The Clock More often than not, people with anxiety problems get anxiety due to sleep problems and then it just becomes a vicious loop. If you are constantly checking the clock and wondering why you cannot sleep and worrying about the fact that you will not get enough sleep, it will give you more anxiety. So, stop checking the clock and take your time to relax.

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