
For those looking to make a move overseas, either full- or part-time, Panama makes sense for a whole host of reasons. Chief among them..

. year-round warm weather, a low cost of living, a foreign-resident-friendly tax system, one of the best banking systems in the world, a stable political situation, a bright economic outlook, and the world’s best program of discounts and perks for foreign retirees. Plus, Panama uses the U.

S. dollar making things easy for those making a move from the States. It’s also centrally located, giving easy access to all of the Americas—it’s an 80-minute flight from Panama City to Medellín, Colombia, or you could even hop a bus to Costa Rica.

You also have several options for direct flights across the Atlantic if you’re planning a trip to Europe. In country, you can take your pick from cool-weather mountain towns, bustling beach resorts, jungle escapes, or cosmopolitan Panama City. If you want to seek residency in Panama, here are some of your best options.

1. The Retiree Visa The pensionado visa works for anyone who is receiving a pension, either private or government. For Americans, that means if you’re on Social Security, you can qualify for this residency permit.

The minimum pension income required is $1,000 for a single person and $250 for each dependent, i.e. $1,250 for a married couple.

The government fees are cheaper for the pensionado visa than they are for the other options on this list. 2. The Golden Visa The most straightforwa.

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