
Work to improve the accessibility of the Leura Cascades is about to start, with the construction of a new amenities building the first upgrade to get underway. / (min cost $ 0 ) or signup to continue reading But a number of trees will be removed as part of the upgrade program. The upgrades to the precinct will provide a range of enhancements, including: A number of identified trees have been recommended for removal ahead of construction starting, following investigations from a qualified arborist.

Following the tree removal, construction of a new amenities building in the upper Cascades area will start. "Leura Cascades is an extraordinary location that boasts an exciting mix of natural beauty with built heritage and history," said Blue Mountains mayor Mark Greenhill. "These upgrades will sensitively rejuvenate the precinct.

They'll provide better access and amenity for residents and visitors and will also be more resilient to future extreme weather events, which is a key outcome." Following strong community support during the precinct planning process, Chelmsford Bridge will remain closed to public vehicle traffic after the upgrades are complete. "As a beautiful example of an unreinforced concrete arch bridge, designed in 1912, it is of state heritage significance and reopening would require consideration of a range of risk mitigation measures that would have a negative impact on the bridge.

"With the community's backing and in alignment with the precinct plan, the bridge will remain closed to public vehicle traffic." The $5 million Leura Cascades Recreational Precinct upgrade project is funded by the NSW Government's Western Sydney Infrastructure Grant Program. The grant also partially funded the , helping to better manage stormwater within this environmentally sensitive precinct.

Work on the amenities building and new picnic shelter is expected to be completed by February 2025 and will be followed by construction of the new car park and linking pathways. Access to the walking tracks within the Leura Cascades precinct will remain open during the construction of the amenities building. More information about the Leura Cascades Recreation Precinct upgrade is available at: .

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