
Road trips can be enjoyable, and the payoff often involves arriving at a vacation destination or visiting family and friends. Long drives present several challenges, not the least of which is the physical toll they can take on your body. Hours spent seated can leave even the most agile among us feeling stiff and walking awkwardly upon arrival.

For those with conditions like arthritis, this discomfort can be compounded. Thankfully, performing these exercises can make a long road trip less arduous and more comfortable. By incorporating regular stretches and movement breaks, you can maintain better circulation, reduce the risk of joint stiffness and aches, and enhance overall alertness, ensuring a more pleasant and safe journey.

While passengers can easily do these exercises, drivers must exercise caution. It’s best to do these when your vehicle is not moving—unless, of course, you’re auditioning for a stunt role in Hollywood. 1.

Foot Slides 2. Seated Marches 3. Knee Swings 4.

Headrest Stretches 5. Trunk Rotations For this exercise, I recommend rotating to the left and then the right rather than performing them on one side and then the other. The fuller movement sweeps are more beneficial, as they engage a wider range of motion, helping to stretch and strengthen the muscles more effectively.

Long drives always impose a unique set of challenges, but incorporating these exercises can help you stay limber and comfortable, even though they may not help you get there any faster. Remember to take regular breaks to stretch and move around, which will help manage stiffness and maintain alertness. Good luck and safe driving!.

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