1. A carpet cleaning solution with results so impressive (just cast your eyes below this text!) that you may have to bleep out your own reaction. Get ready to break up with your carpet cleaner rental spot and tackle stained, grungy carpet asap.
Remember when your carpet was beige instead of greige? It's from a family-run business that specializes in cleaning products, especially ones for homes with pets! Promising review: "After reading the reviews I thought I could at least try it, and holy smokes, this is a miracle cleaner !!! I think I have tried every cleaner on the market for pet stains and nothing ever really works on my carpets. Even if I get it off the top, it somehow comes back up. My crazy dogs hate the rain and they have one spot that they always go on when they decide they are not going outside.
I have cleaned the spot probably 100 times. I cleaned this area one time with this cleaner and my spot steam cleaner and it is completely gone! The stain and smell are 100% gone, not just covered up like before, completely and absolutely gone. Miracle cleaner for sure!" — PLLane Get it from Amazon for $19.
99+ (available in three scents and two sizes). 2. A Keurig machine descaling kit to clean out your Keurig's innards once your coffee starts tasting a bit funny.
..and perhaps haunt your dreams when you see what the water looked like before.
Time to sip on that cuppa and actually enjoy the taste of the coffee, not debris. Includes 1 reusable pod, 1 bottle of descaler, 12 .