
If you’re not in the best shape of your life, my question to you is—why not? Is there really something more valuable to you than your own body and mind? Chances are, if you lost your good health, you'd do everything in your power and spend any amount of money to get it back. It only makes sense to protect whatever health you have today and make the necessary investments to keep it for as long as possible. Maybe you know all this, but you’ve told yourself that you have other priorities right now, and you'll focus on your health once this particular storm has passed.

1. Move Your Body–A Lot 2. Eat Real Food 3.

Get Enough Sleep Go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time each day. Get off your phone and other screens at least one hour before bed. Consider a warm (not hot) bath or shower followed by reading a book in bed.

Create an enticing evening routine. 4. Choose Happy.

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