
1. Skin-lifting, pore-tightening Skin1004 face masks with over 8,000 5-⭐️ ratings from reviewers because it's that darn good at reducing wrinkles, calming skin, and delivering a smoother, brighter-looking complexion! The mask tightens as it dries, for a "zombie" effect, similar to the much more expensive Hanacure masks (but for less). This is made with ingredients like aloe vera extract and albumin (egg whites), which aim to intensely hydrate and lift skin.

Promising review: "I was gifted the Hanacure masks and loved them but they're just way too pricey. I heard SO many wonderful things about the skin 1004 zombie mask and at about $2.50 a pop, why not?! Let me tell you, this mask is just straight up magic.

I didn't notice any changes to my skin immediately but a few hours later when I looked in the mirror I was shocked at how wonderful my skin looked. I've never noticed a difference like this. Hanacure who?!?? don't get me wrong, the Hanacure mask is amazing and magical too but it's expensive and impossible to maintain the twice weekly mask schedule recommended.

T his Zombie mask is every bit as magical with better results in my opinion. And it's super funny. A lot of the reviews mention a bad smell which I was worried about but I didn't notice a smell and I'm so sensitive to smell I can't used scented lotions, lip balms etc.

Bottom line, this is better than Hanacure both price and results wise." — Dana Dane Get a pack of eight from Amazon for $22.67 .

2. Essence's Lash.

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