
If you want to start the day full of energy, then getting a good night's sleep is crucial. According to the NHS, most adults should aim to get around seven to nine hours of shut-eye each night, but this will vary from person to person. Of course, this is easier said than done.

There are so many factors which can affect sleep, from work and stress to the environment in your bedroom. So if you've been struggling to get a deep, uninterrupted sleep recently, then one expert on social media has the solution - houseplants . TikToker Michael, also know as The Mediterranean Gardener , has named three houseplants which can potentially improve sleep by boosting air quality.

He said: "Did you know that some plants continue to release oxygen into the night, making them perfect to have in your bedroom? "We all know that plants take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen through the day but at night photosynthesis stops and only carbon dioxide diffuses out." Perfect plants for the bedroom Did you know that some plants continue to release oxygen into the night making them perfect to have in your bedroom! We all know that plants take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen through the day but at night, photosynthesis stops and only carbon dioxide diffuses out. The snake plant, also known as sansevieria or mother in laws tongue due to its sharp leaves.

It can survive a long period of neglect and needs little watering. Areca palm, also known as the golden palm, butterfly palm and yellow palm. With .

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