
Woof — it’s been a long week. If you feel like you’ve been working like a dog, let us offer you the internet equivalent of a big pile of catnip: hilarious tweets about pets. We Shih Tzu not.

Each week at HuffPost, we scour Twitter X (yes, Elon Musk is apparently fur real) to find the funniest posts about our furballs being complete goofballs. They’re sure to make you howl. (And if you want more, no need to beg ― you can check out last week’s batch right here .

) I have to show my hands like a blackjack dealer to prove to my dogs that I don’t have any food Can I show you a video that cured me of every bad feeling just now pic.twitter.com/xZMePCnhso me on my way to mess with my dog who’s minding her own business pic.

twitter.com/pbWcJN4WHt i wish my cats were giant and i could ride on their backs and go on adventures my elderly dog was super hot from playing outside so i ran a cloth under cool water and put it on her and she immediately flopped over and accepted her fate pic.twitter.

com/ijrcu5buYw The side eye sent me🤣 https://t.co/lPLWcfispI pic.twitter.

com/9DKkorVBmX pic.twitter.com/nkkc99u6BI told my mom my dream was to own a ranch with 100 rescued beagles and be their friend and take care of them every day and she said "so that linguistics degree was kind of a waste I guess" owned.

This is Potato. He went swimming for the first time today. And what's important is that he tried his best.

13/10 pic.twitter.com/3uE7HQrSDK Does anyone else talk to animals like they are going to respond? cutest shit I've ever seen pic.

twitter.com/vOISMBD3Dj My friend got the AC fixed in her apartment and the maintenance people made this little house for her cat. I almost started crying pic.

twitter.com/K4CUTQ0wgP This pub has ‘snacking ham’ on the menu and I can only assume the menu was drawn up by my dog Guess who definitely hasn't been into the greenhouse and taken a tomato pic.twitter.

com/KD6YjcqEyt the way the cat understood every word she said pic.twitter.com/AeeXId4hIa this is how I found out one of the milk cartons leaked in the grocery bag pic.

twitter.com/385uGIf6K8 “You let your pets sleep with you?” Sir, I would let my animals represent me in a court of law. picking out what to wear at my work retreat tomorrow pic.

twitter.com/OeivzfSn6D They’ve found each other..

🐕🐾😍 pic.twitter.com/RozfXn6Ncm This is not my cat.

But he felt he should take a nap on my bed. pic.twitter.

com/I88qHJawlb wandering around my home imaging trump saying the names of the cats from CATS she yearns for the babybel cheese pic.twitter.com/Lxyi2Q8NcZ Orange cat things pic.

twitter.com/SJgShIAons if i had a cafe i’d sell these calico cat cookies flavored with coconut, thai tea, chocolate, and black sesame. they’d be called The Wanda 🐈 pic.

twitter.com/6wtPaPGypL please enjoy these photos of my dog Lights blissfully eating grass to cleanse your timeline🌼🌼🌼 pic.twitter.

com/FMwz9RUPd3 What is it about making a bed that turns cats into sand worms pic.twitter.com/LiT5YIEHbu bro is gaslighting her pic.

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