Looking for a trending destination to add to your 2025 holiday list? South Korea is so hot right now - these are just some of the reasons why. 1. It’s easy to get there Two airlines offer direct flights from Auckland to Seoul: Air New Zealand’s seasonal service operates October to March, while Korean Air flies year-round.
I flew with the latter, my first time with the national airline. Economy Class was packed to the gills both ways (11 hours up, just over 10 back), but as with all 787 Dreamliners, there’s decent legroom and comfort. The Korean Air crew was friendly, helpful and efficient.
2. It’s easy to get around With a little pre-planning, South Korea is fabulously simple to navigate. Seoul has a comprehensive public transport network, with a subway system that winds around the city like spaghetti.
Station names, exits, directional information and public address announcements are in English and Korean. There are frequent buses, and well-signposted streets if you’re on foot. Bullet trains will take you outside the capital quickly and comfortably.