By Kristi Palma Two Massachusetts towns with a key role in American history were just named among the best places in the world to travel in 2025, according to The New York Times . The publication’s annual “ 52 places to go ” list, now in its 20th year, names Lexington and Concord in a single entry, calling the pick “a tribute to the ‘shot heard round the world.'” Here’s what The New York Times wrote about Lexington and Concord: Massachusetts led the way in the forging of a new nation, and now it’s doing the same in advance of the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 2026.
Before the quill pens scratched parchment, the first Revolutionary War battles were fought in the state, in Lexington and Concord , on April 19, 1775. The towns are commemorating those battles with Patriots’ Day parades on April 19, exhibitions, concerts like “ Music & Rebels ,” a quilt show , the planting of 250 trees and more. Paul Revere, the Boston silversmith who raced on horseback from Boston to Lexington on the night of April 18, 1775, to warn of the British advance, will be memorialized in myriad ways, including with a re-enactment , public art and a colonial-themed Midnight Ride dinner followed by a candlelit procession.
The anniversary is also sparking new openings, including the Lexington Depot , a former train station turned museum, and a new bronze monument, “ Something Is Being Done ,” honoring female trailblazers. In Concord, walking .