
Having spent over a decade behind all kinds of bars, from sports dives to wine-focused bistros, I've made and poured just about every drink under the sun. A bartender should happily and gracefully accommodate every customer's requests if possible, which is at the heart of hospitality. That said, there are some industry insights that a bartender like myself picks up as their career goes along that can help folks make the most of their drinking excursions.

While you should never feel like you can't order the drink you want, certain beverages ordered in specific situations may result in a subpar experience for both the drinker and the drink maker, and the last thing a bartender wants is for their guest to feel shortchanged. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to ordering a drink when you're out at a bar, nor should there be. However, avoiding ordering drinks that may be more trouble than they're worth can make your time out less enjoyable.

Think of this list more like suggestions or guidelines that can ensure you get the most bang for your buck every time you hit up a watering hole, regardless of whether it's a busy brewpub or a cocktail-slinging speakeasy, a bumping nightclub or a cozy tavern. 1. Long Island Iced Tea It's something of a miracle that the Long Island iced tea is even drinkable, let alone tasty.

Vodka, rum, tequila, and gin shouldn't go together, but somehow along with triple sec, lemon juice, and cola, the flavors meld to create a harmonious whole that.

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