
The shoulders are important for everyday activities like carrying groceries, lifting objects and maintaining good posture. When the shoulders are weak, it can lead to issues like a limited range of motion and an increased chance of injury. Dumbbell exercises that target the shoulders are a great way to build strength in this area, which will prevent injury and sculpt and define the upper arms.

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint the type of joint that allows for the broadest range of movement. Some simple shoulder exercises can maintain your range of motion and provide a great after a or another . You only need one set of dumbbells.

Lift lower weight and higher repetition to sculpt long, lean muscles. I use 3-pound weights, but you can go up to 5 or even 8 pounds. Start with a lower weight and then work your way up, or simply stay at the lower weight and increase your number of repetitions over time.

This exercise is an alternative to traditional and works the arm a bit differently. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and turn the arms so that palms face your body. Hug the elbows in toward your waist.

Reach the weights up toward your shoulders as you keep the elbows close to the body. Lower the weights down by your sides and repeat 10 times. Stand tall with your arms hanging by your sides and hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Perform a bringing the weights up to your shoulders. Once you have reached the shoulders, rotate your palms until they are facing out and then push the weights.

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