
The definition of insanity, as the well-worn saying goes, is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. From a jilted lover thinking their 14th phone call to their ex will be the one to win them back, to a drunken student thinking that this will be the late night Taco Bell that doesn't turn their lower intestines into soup, humanity has a remarkable aptitude for persisting with demonstrably bad ideas. To bring things back to wrestling, this form of madness is no stranger to those who make their living in the squared circle.

Each wrestler on this list has spent months failing to live up to their potential. Yet each week they still trot out to the ring, performing the same tired schtick that turns even the hottest crowds into politely-applauding gentlefolk at best, or an openly disdainful mob at worst. Each of these talents should be doing much better than they are, but until they get off their current hamster wheels and start running in a new direction their careers are going to keep spiralling like the water in our Taco Bell-loving student's toilet.

10. Brody King The above pic is a perfect (albeit unintended) representation of Brody King's AEW career. The bottom half of the photo portrays Brody as he should be - dominant, victorious, an outright winner.

The upper half, however, sees Dante Martin symbolise AEW creative by preparing to crash down on Brody's hopes and dreams. Brody King has been in AEW for two and a half years, and in that time has languished in the same mid-to-upper card purgatory as the rest of his House of Black team-mates. Put simply, Brody needs to escape from the group he's been synonymous with since his arrival in AEW.

Tony Kahn's company have never fully committed to pushing the House of Black as hard as their collective talents warranted, and it feels like the best thing Brody could do for himself is strike out on his own. Would he be successful? Well, the likes of Lance Archer and Killswitch (née Luchasaurus) show that he'd have a rocky road ahead as a monster heel in AEW, but Brody King is talented enough to be given the chance to forge ahead on his own two feet..

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