Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Will travel insurance cover you for that? Here's what you need to know. If you're about to book a trip, you need to know about a few dangerous travel insurance myths. Why are they dangerous? Because they could cost you a lot of money, not to mention ruin your next vacation.
And there are more myths out there than ever, thanks to our frenetic travel schedules. Over the next five years, analysts at Industry Research expect travel insurance sales to grow at a rate of 6.5 percent annually.
"It's essential to carefully assess your travel insurance needs," says Robert Gallagher, president of the US Travel Insurance Association . "Understand the specific coverage details and consider how they align with your travel concerns and destinations. Properly chosen travel insurance can save you from significant financial and emotional stress, ensuring that you can focus on enjoying your journey.
" The myths range from the seemingly obvious — that insurance covers anything that happens to you when you travel — to the obscure (your credit card coverage is as good as a policy). But believe any of them and you could find yourself in serious trouble. First, though, let's define our terms.
Most travel insurance isn't insurance. "Technically speaking, it's travel protection," says Clay Coomer, global head of marketing at battleface . "The policy you're buying also includes non-insurance assistance services.
" Those can include concierge servic.