
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Edinburgh, Scotland: Famous Victoria street in Edinburgh old town getty Traveling solo can be a great way for extroverted folks to fulfill a dream of going abroad and meeting new friends — but introverts have known the pleasures of solo travel for a long time. The folks at Accor have recently released the results from a new study about the exact cities across the United Kingdom that make the best destinations for introverts. The study focused on criteria that introverted folks look for when traveling, such as how ‘chilled out’ a given city is and how many bookshops, libraries, and coffee shops each city has.

Here are ten of the best cities in the United Kingdom for introverts or really anyone looking for a quiet and cozy getaway: York The Shambles, a medieval street preserved in the heart of the English city of York, still busy with ...

[+] boutique shops and cafes. getty The city of York topped the list as the best city in the United Kingdom for introverts. The city is packed with quaint coffee shops and libraries; it actually boasts more than fifteen public libraries in the city center.

Lincoln Lincoln earned the second spot as the best city in the United Kingdom for introverts. It’s packed with adorable cafes — with stand out options like Seven Districts and Stoke’s Coffee — and has multiple libraries within walking distance of the Cultural Quarter. MORE FOR YOU Netflix’s Best New Movie Arrives With A Perfect 100% Critic Score Trump Reposts AI-Generated Images Claiming Taylor Swift Fans Support Him Microsoft Issues Mandatory 2FA Login Deadline Alert Belfast People talk in front of the landmark Duke of York bar on Commercial Court in Belfast, Northern .

.. [+] Ireland, UK in the evening.

getty Looking for an introvert’s safe space in Northern Ireland? You’ll want to head to Belfast. Linen Hall Library dates back to 1788 and has an on-site coffee shop where you can read and re-caffeinate all at once — what more could you want? function loadConnatixScript(document) { if (!window.cnxel) { window.

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The city is packed with quiet coffee shops and historical libraries and the ever-present gloomy weather makes it the perfect place to curl up with a good book. Edinburgh A quiet morning and an empty Victoria Street in Edinburgh's historic Old Town. getty Edinburgh is the second best city in Scotland for introverts.

In fact — it’s famously the city where J.K. Rowling first penned the Harry Potter novels.

The Elephant House might have been where Harry Potter was first born but there are plenty of just as charming coffee shops and tea houses for introverts to explore. The list was rounded out with Norwich, Brighton & Hove, Sheffield, Cardiff, and Newcastle upon Tyne each ranking with a composite score of between 8.61 to 8.

24, respectively. That equals a whole lot of libraries and coffee shops for introverts to explore in and around Britain, Northern Ireland, and Scotland..

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