
Great horror movie villains can be many things, but they're generally governed by certain rules and conditions that dictate what they can and cannot do, whether physically or part of their own "code" as a killer. And yet, it's not uncommon for genre antagonists to end up breaking their own rules, be that intentionally or because the writers just weren't paying enough attention. So, as a sequel to our previous article on this very subject, here are ten more horror movie villains who went ahead and broke their own rules.

These horror movie villains all had some firmly established rules for how they were supposed to comport themselves in their respective worlds, yet for better or worse, each ended up ditching those rules. From monsters displaying a new power totally out of nowhere, to killers who changed their disposition on a dime, and those who just couldn't deal with their constraining moral code any longer, these villains all tossed consistency to the wayside and decided to just do whatever the hell they wanted. In some cases it worked, and in others it just left the fanbase thoroughly pissed off.

.. 10.

Freddy Krueger - A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge To give it some credit, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge is anything but a cynical retread of Wes Craven's classic original. It at least tries to do something different, even if that different is wildly at odds with what the first movie established. That's also precisely why it remains so divisive with the fandom - giving Freddy (Robert Englund) the ability to possess protagonist Jesse (Mark Patton) and embark on a rampage in the real world runs entirely counter to how he was presented in the original film, where he was largely powerless outside of dreams.

You can argue that the fluid, even dreamlike definition of Freddy's powers throughout the series is appropriate given the subject matter, but Freddy's ability to cause mayhem in the real world in Part 2 and numerous subsequent sequels remains a major point of contention for many fans. How much this goalpost-shifting bothers you will likely depend on how much you enjoy the camp and blatant homoeroticism of Freddy's Revenge..

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