
It may seem strange to state it, but audiences are really what cinema is for - especially horror cinema, which tends to be concerned less with high art and more with getting as many scares in as possible. So when you piss off the audience, you kind of spoil the whole deal. And what pisses off audiences more than anything? Remakes.

Yes, when we love the original movie, the last thing most of us want to see is some other filmmaker riding roughshod over its legacy in an effort to turn out something new, edgy or profitable. But it can be just as bad when we didn't love the original movie; when the goal is open to fix something flawed, the worst sin of all is to bungle it. Hollywood makes a big business of taking old, forgotten and non-English language films and remaking them, with American sensibilities, for American audiences, often dumbing them down and hollowing them out in the process.

So many remakes have indeed bungled it. Whether denying audiences what they want, s ullying and misinterpreting the source material, and r uining beloved characters, there seems to be an endless number of ways to get us riled up. And here are 10 of the worst offenders.

.. 10.

Ruined The Old, Failed At The New - Carrie (2013) When you go about remaking an already half-decent horror movie, you need to have a good idea of how you're going to change things - doubly so if you're remaking Brian De Palma's classic Stephen King adaptation Carrie. So while director Kimberly Peirce had some sense of where.

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