
Though horror villains come in all shapes and sizes, many of them share one trait: they're highly intelligent. Some like Hannibal Lecter may be crazy and boundlessly evil, but they have enough brainpower to evade the law and repeatedly outsmart the heroes. Devious masterminds like this can be cornered, incarcerated, and supposedly defeated, but they often still find a way to bounce back.

But as we've established time and time again, horror villains screw up all the time. They can spend years perfecting their scheme and prepare a dozen contingencies, only to fail due to a simple but crucial oversight. While such antagonists like to believe they are running rings around their prey, the smallest factor can cause their whole plan to go belly up.

By underestimating their victims or falling for an obvious trap, these evildoers found themselves imprisoned, dead, or worse. Some entries on this list may be dumber than a bag of hammers, others are bonafide geniuses with doctorates and diplomas to spare. Regardless of how smart they are, though, these ten villains were woefully unprepared when it mattered most.

10. Athena Stone - The Hunt Not to be mixed up with the 2012 film of the same name, 2020's The Hunt follows Crystal, a young woman who finds herself and many others being hunted for sport by a group of elites. Speaking to other victims, Crystal learns the event was orchestrated by a powerful entrepreneur called Athena Stone.

Several months earlier, a group text between Athena and her upper-class friends leaked, suggesting she hunts the working class at her manor. But when Crystal finally confronts her, Athena explains that the group text was a joke. When her messages appeared online, internet trolls weaponised it into a conspiracy known as Manorgate, destroying Athena's reputation.

Seeking vengeance, Athena made Manorgate a reality, capturing and killing anyone who contributed to the conspiracy, including Crystal. Athena smugly reads out Crystal's online messages surrounding Manorgate, hoping to humiliate her. Despite investing a ton of time, effort, and money to complete her revenge, Athena made one huge mistake.

After speaking to her abductee, Athena realises this isn't the same Crystal who spread the rumours. Instead, she's a different Crystal who happens to have a similar name. Refusing to admit her mistake, the deranged elitist fights Crystal, which results in Athena's death.

Watching Athena chastise Crystal for only believing what she wants, only for her to do the same thing, is deeply satisfying, since it proves how much of a delusional hypocrite she was..

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