
There are a number of factors that could make a car more expensive to insure. Of course, insurance for high-priced luxury car brands is typically harder on the , but sticker price is not the only factor. Cars that contain powerful engines can be more expensive to insure, as drivers may be more likely to speed.

And cars that contain more high-tech features are also pricey to insure, as they are more expensive to repair. Here’s a look at the 10 to insure, as identified by MarketWatch Guides. $354 per month or $4,242 per year Dodge cars are known for their power and speed, which can be a red flag for insurers.

$251 per month or $3,007 per year Teslas are high-tech electric vehicles, and their repairs can be quite expensive due to the price of replacement parts. $195 per month or $2,337 per year Luxury car brands are typically more expensive to insure, so it’s no surprise that BMW is on this list. $189 per month or $2,273 per year Although Lexus vehicles are known to be safe, their high prices make them expensive to insure.

$184 per month or $2,207 per year If you have a GMC vehicle, be prepared to pay a premium to insure it. $175 per month or $2,101 per year The popular pickup truck maker may be more expensive to insure due to higher accident risk. MarketWatch Guides reported that pickup trucks are more likely than cars to be involved in fatal single-vehicle crashes, such as rollovers.

$167 per month or $2,004 per year Two particular car models may be to blame for Nissan’s.

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