
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Fifty historic small restaurants throughout the country have received a $50,000 grant from American Express and the National Trust for Historic Preservation as part of a Backing Historic Small Restaurants program . The program, administered by the National Trust and now in its fourth year, gives a monetary boost to small restaurants in historic buildings or neighborhoods that “provide cultural significance to their communities through their history, cuisine and locations.” The aim of the grants is to help restaurants upgrade, renovate and grow their businesses.

Historic Gold Hill Inn in Gold Hill, Colorado, is one of 50 restaurants throughout the country that ...

[+] received a $50,000 grant in a Backing Historic Small Restaurants program. Gary Stoller Four historic California restaurants received grants — more recipients than in any other state. Texas, New York and New Mexico each have three recipients.

All recipients also received one-year complimentary access to restaurant management software. The historic restaurants that received grants are in diverse geographic locations. The Gold Hill Inn in Gold Hill, Colorado, for example, stands in the Rocky Mountains at an altitude of 8,300 feet in a former gold mining town with about 220 residents.

Food For Thought restaurant is in the high-desert town of Joshua Tree, California, and Hannibal’s Soul Kitchen is in coastal Charleston, South Carolina’s most populous city. Food For Thought in Joshua Tree, California, is one of 50 small, historic restaurants that received ..

. [+] a $50,000 grant. Brian Leatart MORE FOR YOU Apple iPhone 16 Pro To Gain Most From Powerful Upgrade, New Leak Says WWE Raw Results: Winners And Grades On August 5, 2024 Today’s NYT Mini Crossword Clues And Answers For Tuesday, August 6th “During four years, our partnership with American Express has supported more than 100 small, independent restaurants across the country, each with a distinctive history, representing a wide array of cuisines,” says Carol Quillen, CEO of the National Trust.

“Equally important is what these restaurants share. They are beloved gathering places in their neighborhoods. In many cases, they have been run for generations by the same family.

” The $2.5 million in grants given to the restaurants this year was an increase over last year, when $1 million was granted. American Express launched the Backing Historic Small Restaurants program in 2021 in partnership with the National Trust “to support historic and culturally significant restaurants during the pandemic.

” Restaurants in every state, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico have received grants.

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“While riding their bikes home from elementary school, kids love to stop in for a treat,” Kelleher says. “When on a lunch break from the nearby high school, students walk over for our salad sampler and a cupcake. As adults, they’ve ordered their wedding cakes.

The generational traditions have been going strong for over 45 years. This grant will allow us to increase seating capacity and improve curb appeal and, thus, support our mission of being a community gathering place for locals and visitors.” Hannibal's Soul Kitchen in Charleston, South Carolina, received a $50,000 grant in the Backing .

.. [+] Historic Small Restaurants program.

Madison Lee/Charleston Historical Society.

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