
Perfect if you're taking a trip to the pub this weekend, this quiz will let you brush up on some of that unusual but essential knowledge for the occasion. With 10 fun questions, the pub quiz will get your brain cogs working and put your general knowledge skills to the test. Take last week's quiz now: Pub Quiz March 22: Do you know the answers? Take this quiz From who won the Six Nations to what's the name of Stephen Graham's new Netflix show, see how many questions you can correct.

So if you think you have what it takes to be the pub quiz master, find out now and take our quiz . If you liked that quiz , you can see how British you are with the UK’s citizenship test. You can even test your Barbie knowledge with our Barbie quiz and find out if you're a Barbie or just Ken.

Now that you've put your brain to the test, you'll want to start revising hard in preparation for the next pub quiz. Did you get 10/10 or was it a tough round for you? Keep an eye on the news and get ready for next week's pub quiz. How well did you do? Let us know in the comments below.

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