Noodles and Dumplings, Glasgow They are actually making the Lanzhou noodles as I stand at the counter ordering tonight; a huge rope of dough being stretched and coiled and folded around the arms of a man just a few feet away. “That’s the ones,” says the lady at the till nodding at him. “And you’ve already ordered them.
” Uh, oh, have I, I reply, not exactly sure what I asked for a few moments ago. The whole process having been interrupted by the two words I hate most in the restaurant world: "cash only”. So I went outside and walked, okay, straight across the road, close yes but still no cigar, and when I come back from the cashline Cal has already moved us from the tiny, and I mean indescribably tiny, table behind the pillar where they sent me when I wandered in to a booth by the door.
“Yeah, I’ve been here before dad,” a reply which is becoming a common theme with my family, says Cal, as I sit and ask what he thinks of the menu. Noodles and Dumplings is cheap and cheerful (Image: free) Why has he been here before me? Tik-Tok, obviously, influencers maybe, buzzorama definitely, and this place is absolutely heaving on this, otherwise deadly dull, completely ordinary, Tuesday night; a bazaar-like hustle and bustle of jostling, eating, arms-stretching, plate-passing full-on food theatre. This has me initially trying, amidst the melee, and completely failing, to catch the eye of that rocket-fast waiter.
Until my son rocks up late from his work and says: “Er,.