
The popular children's TV show follows a young dog called Bluey Heeler who lives with her mother Chilli, father Bandit and little sister Bingo as they play games and explore a world of fun across seven-minute episodes. The series’ longest episode to date, The Sign, will make its free-to-air UK debut over Easter. The 28-minute show follows Bluey and her family as they get ready for the wedding event of the year in an episode that has been described as an “emotional rollercoaster” that bursts with adventure, romance and emergency toilet stops.

A post shared by Bluey (@officialblueytv) It features a star-studded cast of voice actors including Australian actress Rose Byrne, from Bridesmaids, along with Joel Edgerton, who is best known for playing Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby. Composer David McCormack reprises the voice of Bluey’s father, while Head Count’s Melanie Zanetti continues to voice her mother in the special episode. The Sign is part of a trilogy of Bluey episodes and comes in between Ghostbasket, where Bandit pretends to be an estate agent to sell Grannies’ house to their mother while the third episode, Surprise, follows Bluey and Bingo as they want their father to play different games so he tries to attempt both at the same time.

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