
No matter how polarizing McDonald's Filet-O-Fish may be, fans can't get enough. Despite the fact that it fell into the bottom half of , once upon a time, there's something about the McDonald's pescatarian option that is simply irresistible. However, the sandwich has one common grievance among even its biggest supporters — there is far too much bun and not enough fish.

Luckily, you can order a double Filet-O-Fish using the McDonald's app at most locations across the United States. But if that's not enough to satisfy your fishy craving, you can add a third fish patty to the sandwich for minimal cost. This trick has been noted by Redditors and TikTokers, and it offers a pretty great deal for fish lovers.

While it depends on your location, the double Filet-O-Fish is only about $1.40 more than the standard one-patty version — and the third fish patty costs an additional $1.10 on top of that.

Needless to say, tripling the amount of fish on your sandwich for merely $2.50 is a great deal if you love . Level up your multi-patty Filet-O-Fish One thing to remember when ordering either the double or triple McDonald's Filet-O-Fish is that the only thing that increases is the number of fish patties, so make sure to ask for extra cheese if you want to maintain a strong ratio between the sandwich's two key ingredients.

Speaking of which, while any amount of additional fish patties could be good enough to further your enjoyment of the menu item, you can continue implementing by modifying .

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