
Eggs are a versatile breakfast option as you can have them fried, boiled, scrambled or poached. Many who’ve attempted to poach eggs in a saucepan may have found it challenging, but a TikTok chef has shared a simpler method that takes less than a minute . Chef Erica Wides, known as @chefsmartypants on TikTok , demonstrated her microwave technique for cooking poached eggs.

She advised: “Maybe you don’t want to boil a pot of water every morning, poach your egg in the microwave. This is how I do it every day.” Erica began by placing an egg into a small glass bowl, emphasising the need for a container “at least twice as deep as the height of the egg”.

She then covered the egg with water, ensuring it was submerged by “at least half an inch to an inch” to prevent it from exploding in the microwave. As she microwaved the egg, Erica mentioned that microwaves vary, but for hers, 44 seconds was the sweet spot for poaching an egg. She made it clear that perfecting the timing can take some experimentation, recalling how her previous microwave required only 36 seconds.

Generally, an egg can be poached in the microwave within 35 to 50 seconds, but individuals will need to adjust the time for their specific appliance. Erica explained that the timing for cooking eggs depends on personal preference, stating: “I like mine perfect because I'm a chef and it has to be perfect. This means firm whites and runny yolk.

” After microwaving the egg for 44 seconds and presenting it to .

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