The Royal Family have always been seen as pretty stylish, but which Royal fashion icon have you got most in common with? From glitzy gold chains to pearl necklaces and huge billowing dresses, the British Royal Family always dress to impress. Looking cool is sort of their ‘thing’ and the clothes they’ve worn have been used to show how powerful and cool they are! So why not jump into this quiz and see for yourself which of the many Royal Fashion Icons you’ve got the most in common with?! Let’s get started shall we? Amazing! So Charles II was a very powerful King who reigned in the 17th century! He was an incredibly stylish person for his time, and the clothes he wore made everyone who saw him notice his sense of fashion - and often copy it! One of his most famous looks was the big flowing wig he wore, which even now is an iconic look! You’ve got this result because you’re not afraid to stand out from the crowd, after all, there’s no hiding in a wig like this! Queen Elizabeth I was a true icon, in her time she was one of the most powerful people in the world and she showed that off with her huge dresses and fancy neck-ruffs! Whenever she visited other countries to make agreements or wage war, everyone paid attention when she entered the room, and that’s the power of fashion! A bit like her, you know the value of a stand-out outfit! When you need to make an impression, the first one always counts! Awesome! Diana was one of the first celeb Royals and everyone pai.
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