A UK expat in Spain has issued a warning over three rules people must follow when they move to the European Union nation. The expat said that researching the cost of living and learning the basics of Spanish is essential. Expat in Spain, Mari, from the YouTube channel Mari in Spain, said: "Although generally, cost of living is much lower in Spain than compared to the UK, it still differs by region.
" Mari said: "Websites like Numbeo and Expatistan will be a great help. They compare for you basic categories like: food, housing, clothes, transportation, personal care and entertainment. "I would recommend creating a detailed budget, which would include rent, utilities, groceries and transportation.
" Mari recommended the old-fashioned way of jotting all your bits down, as well as learning the basic of the language to help you get by. READ MORE Foreign Office warns Brits 'barricade yourself in' and 'put phone on silent' She even recommended using mobile apps like Duolingo to get to grips with the language - or, alternatively, get privately tutored by a tutor to help you with the lingo. She explained: "You will find way more empathy, support and help from Spanish people if you try to speak with them.
Even though some Spaniards speak English especially in medium-sized and big cities, knowing Spanish will let you integrate into local culture more. "Although locals treat expats and foreigners well, lately I have noticed that Spanish people are getting tired. Not only from ignorant tour.