
That didn't take long. In about the time it takes to say "Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday," President Donald Trump has launched a nuclear attack on everything the civil rights leader ever stood for.

In the days since Trump was inaugurated last week on the national King holiday, he has put a bullseye on migrants, birthright citizenship and anything associated with the letters DEI. Can the Constitution be far behind? "In his honor we will strive together to make his dream a reality," Trump blasphemed in his inauguration speech. "We will make his dream come true.

" Trump was, of course, referring to the money line from King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech, the one he delivered in stirring fashion on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during 1963's March on Washington. It is the speech that contains what is perhaps the most misappropriated excerpt in history American oratory. King spoke of a "dream" in which his "four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

" But conservatives like Trump have used those words to try to fool us into believing that one of the most famous and righteous Black men in this nation's history was against affirmative action and anything that has to do with diversity, equity and inclusion. They know better. So do we.

In that same soaring speech, with Abraham Lincoln looking on, King called the Black man "an exile in his own land." In that same magnificent speech,.

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