Beauty mogul Trinny Woodall has opened up about her decision to take a chunk of change out of her company, Trinny London, to ensure her daughter has a secure future. The fashion guru, 60, revealed that after selling her own house to kick-start her business, she was concerned that her 21-year-old daughter Lyla Elichaoff might end up homeless if she passed away. Speaking to the i paper back in December, Trinny confessed: "I still don’t own a home.
I sold my previous house to start Trinny London, which I grappled with for a long time. Most people at 60 are trying to pay off their mortgage." Digging deeper into her worries, she said, "My future is very much vested in Trinny London and I now feel fine about that, but for a while I did think ‘If I died tomorrow Lyla would have no home’.
" To safeguard her daughter's future, Trinny took decisive action: "I took some money out of the business to put into an account which is enough to buy Lyla a flat, so if something did happen my bases are covered." Lyla herself has previously weighed in on her mum's iconic career, questioning whether Trinny's successful show 'What Not to Wear', co-hosted with Susannah Constantine in the early-2000s, would survive today's more discerning television climate due to its direct approach with participants. Susannah’s daughter Esme Bertelsen and Lyla commented to Tatler on how past standards on television would no longer be acceptable today, saying: "I think they would be cancelled if the show was m.