SINCE quitting Take That in 2014 Jason Orange has become something of an enigma. But if you’re looking for a new house in Cheshire and are sitting on a pile of cash, he could soon be selling you a pad. My moles tell me Jason has gone into business with Celtic footie legend Neil Lennon and is now the co-owner of property business Nine The Firs, which looks after a large block of flats in Bowdon.
They said: “Jason and Neil have known each other for a while and played in a charity football game together some years back. “Neil has a firm and Jason has now come on board. Jason prefers to live a quiet life out of the spotlight but he’s got a real flair for property.
” Yesterday, I told a friend of mine about Jason’s new venture and they confirmed he’d recently flogged a place to one of their pals — adding: “He was a lovely bloke — professional from start to finish.” I’d expect nothing less. Jason isn’t the only member of Take That to move into the property game.
In 2023, I told how Gary Barlow had made a pretty profit from flipping houses after setting up GE & GB Property Ltd with specialist Geoff Egan. The last time I caught up with Gary and his bandmates Mark Owen and Howard Donald , they were busy working out plans for a residency in Las Vegas. And with Jason now busy with his property firm and Robbie Williams flying high with his solo work, I think the band will continue as a threesome for the foreseeable.
As a massive fan, I know Take That are just.