
Westfield, Mass.: The Daily News editorial about Meta and how it is changing with the new administration (“ Facebook’s about-face on speech ,” Jan. 13) is like watching a replay of Joe Biden’s farewell speech.

It’s almost like the Daily News wrote the farewell speech for Biden, or maybe Biden wrote this editorial for the Daily News. On second thought, Biden hasn’t been capable of putting two sentences back-to-back in years, or even reading them from a monitor, so I suspect it’s the former, as you are professional journalists. Mark Zuckerberg said that the Biden administration called his staff demanding which stories could be told and which could not.

That administration and its peddlers of lies and censorship needed to have the efficacy of vaccines told their way, and the damning laptop showing payola from enemies withheld. The $400 million that Zuckerberg sent to Biden was not so much a donation as a tribute that also came with rules of the business road for Meta. This was to get Biden elected, then to justify his failures for four years.

The so-called fact-checkers were told which marks to hit and which to aim low at or simply ignore. The editorial chooses to ignore what Zuckerberg now says because it shines a dim light on the integrity of the free press. If it had been free and honest, this piece would not have been printed.

The free press winds are blowing differently today, and The News doesn’t much like it because it is facing the falsehood headwinds of .

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