Thursday, Jan. 30 • Magnolia Court hosts a Veterans Breakfast at 8 a.m.
5902 North St. 936-569-6227 • Lamp-Lite Theatre holds open auditions for the Peter Shaffer’s “Black Comedy,” which will be staged in April. Open to adults 20 and up.
5:30 to 8 p.m. 4210 Lamp-Lite Lane. or email [email protected] .
• Comedian Greg Warren Live at SFA is 7:30 p.m. at Turner Auditorium, 2222 Alumni Drive.
936-468-6407. • Nacogdoches ISD board of trustees holds regular meeting, with open session beginning at 6 p.
m. E.J.
Campbell District Support Center Annex, 420 South Shawnee St. Friday, Jan.
31 • Public library presents Dog Man Day for ages 11 and under to celebrate the movie premiere. 1112 North St. Free, but reservations required.
936-559-2970. • Guest speaker MarkJ the Poet addresses the Celebrate Recovery meeting at 5:30 p.
m. Northpointe Church, 3900 Appleby Sand Road. • Parks and Recreation holds open gymnastics from 4:30 to 6 p.
m. for children 5 and up in the gymnastics room at the C.L.
Simon Recreation Center, 1112 North St. $5 per child. 936-559-2960.
• Angelina Arts Alliance presents Gloria Gaynor in concert at 7:30 p.m Temple Theatre, 108 South First St. Lufkin.
Free admission. .
936-633-5454. • Book sale at the Longview Public Library with $1 fill a bag and $2 fill a box from 10 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. 903-237-1351.
Saturday, Feb. 1 • Public library holds Take Your Child.