
80. Arisa Nakajima and Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Hanan and Mayu Iwatani – STARDOM Flashing Champions Image Credit: STARDOM This didn’t main event but it was basically the selling point for this show.

Nakajima was on the verge of retirement and they seemed to be building toward Fujimoto vs. Iwatani. It was interesting to have Hanan in there since everyone else is a veteran and she’s still so young but she has had one hell of a 2024 so I dig it.

After a bit of a feeling out process, which was very good, we got to the meat of the match. That saw both Nakajima and Fujimoto beat the hell out of Hanan. They delivered some stiff kicks (especially Fujimoto) and really made Hanan feel like a face in peril.

Of course, Hanan has excelled in every role she’s had recently and this was one of them as she sold well and delivered with the hope spots. Best Friends (Nakajima and Fujimoto) worked so well together. Even simple moves like a double dropkick in the corner came off well because of their timing and precision.

The main focus at times was on Mayu and Tsukasa, giving us a preview of what’s sure to be an upcoming bout. Mayu came across as pissed off at points and laid into Tsukasa with more aggression than I’m used to seeing from her. It felt like Mayu was a mother hen protecting/avenging Hanan.

I did love how Hanan refused to back down despite the level of opposition she was facing here. It was Tsukasa who got the win, beating Hanan with what looked like a Code Red in 21:17. That.

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