Whether you're on a road trip or just craving a warm, salty snack to, well, not bring home, because it never seems to make it there, there's something about digging into a fresh batch of McDonald's fries. However, anyone who's ever tried to snack on while operating a motor vehicle has surely dealt with the awkwardness. McDonald's fries come in a paper carton and no matter how you position them, the fries eventually spill into the bag, leaving you, the driver, to rummage around for the remainder.
Luckily, TikTok user, (@tommywinkler) has a solution for this common fast food woe. Next time you're at a drive-through, ask for your McDonald's fries to be served in a large drink cup for easy car snacking. In this recent video, Winkler does exactly that.
The fries arrive in a large, clear plastic drink container, which he places in his cup holder, giving him easy access to his fries as he drives away. It's such a simple fast food hack, we wish we'd thought of it ourselves. But is eating McDonald's fries out of a plastic cup really the best way to consume this popular fast food snack? Let's dive in.
Why eating fries out of a cup just makes sense There are several reasons why enjoying McDonald's fries out of a drink cup is more convenient than eating them out of a bag or paper container. For starters, it eliminates the need for a paper bag. If you order your McDonald's fries in a cup, you can simply place them directly in your car's cup holder.
This prevents fry spillage and makes it .