
If you’re constantly scrambling to assemble a last-minute lunch or feel like you spend a small fortune on food every time you work from the office, let us introduce you to some of the best meal prep hacks out there. Because, while you can almost certainly source a nourishing lunch on the go, making a meal ahead of time will save you time, money, and stress, not to mention help you get all the nutrients you need. from 2022 revealed that only 32.

5% of adults in England consume five or more portions of fruit and vegetables daily, with separate from the same year revealing that around one in six UK adults have low levels of vitamin D. “Meal prepping simply means planning your meals ahead,” says Ro Huntriss, registered dietitian and chief nutrition officer at . “There are advantages to this - it gives you the opportunity to make healthy meals with well-balanced ingredients that'll likely be more nutritious than a last-minute lunch when time is lacking.

” Case in point: one , published in the , concluded that meal planning is associated with better adherence to nutritional guidelines and higher food variety, both of which are key factors for health. “Although it requires some time upfront to prepare the meals in bulk, it saves time overall, eliminating daily decision-making and having to make meals when you may not have the time,” Huntriss continues. Additionally, meal prepping helps to reduce food waste as by planning your dishes in advance and shopping for specific i.

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