New pacemaker, minus one lead, is good Published 3:45 pm Wednesday, January 29, 2025 By Editor By Steve Stricker Columnist Dr. Mark Campbell, Autum, Derek, Dorothy (Oxford Stern Cardiovascular Clinic Staff), Vallery, Carlen, Katlan, Madison (In-room preparation and monitoring), Dr. Mark, Derek, Caleb, Olivia, Shelby, Maddie, “Tiger,” (Surgery).
Couldn’t remember all those terrific staff. Now picture INDY, NASCAR Pit Crews and Synchronized Swimmers in full motion and that will give you some visualization as to how these wonderful Oxford Baptist Hospital Staff worked extremely well together! Each doing their own thing, practiced, precise, under each other, no collisions – so awesome; impressive, professional, well done – THANK YOU! It might seem odd, but I actually enjoyed this experience of having my pacemaker replaced on Thursday, January 23, for two reasons: the eight year battery was nearly depleted; new Medtronic Pacemaker had three instead of two leads, a biventricular pacemaker or, “cardiac resynchronization” (CRT) device to help regulate abnormal heart rhythms, strengthen the heart, and improve the Ejaculation Fraction (EF) to more normal levels. Echo October 14, EF 30%; Nuclear Stress Test October 31, “Perfect” no blockage, but Echocardiogram January 14, EF 25% considered severe heart failure normal 50% – so Dr.
Mark said let’s go ahead and replace your old pacemaker with the new improved one for more energy, EF and due for replacement anyway. For.