
NBA icon Michael Jordan hated playing against NBA legend Reggie Miller . Jordan’s Chicago Bulls had a fierce rivalry with Miller’s Indiana Pacers back in the day. “I don’t really dislike anybody in the league, but playing Reggie Miller drives me nuts,” Jordan said in 1998 .

“It’s like chicken-fighting with a woman. His game is all this flopping-type thing. He weighs only 185 pounds, so you have to be careful, don’t touch him, or it’s a foul.

On offense I use all my 215 pounds and just move him out. But he has his hands on you all the time, like a woman holding your waist. I just want to beat his hands off because it’s illegal.

It irritates me.” The Pacers and Bulls faced off in the 1998 Eastern Conference Finals . Miller and Jordan were the two best players in the series and Miller was super excited to face Jordan and the Bulls.

“We all looked at the Bulls as the standard model of success,” Miller said in The Last Dance docuseries . “They were considered the best at that time, but we felt — I feel to this day — we were the better team. The whole thing is, there was whispers that this was going to be Mike’s last year.

So I think a perfect storm was brewing. And in my mind, I was thinking, ‘All right, this is it, you’re gonna retire Michael Jordan.’” The 1998 Eastern Conference Finals was an exciting series.

The Bulls won Games 1 and 2 at home to take a 2-0 series lead, but the Pacers responded by winning Games 3 and 4 in Indiana. Mille.

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