
Kylie Jenner and Pamela Anderson might have been at the same event together, but they seemed to be in two different spaces. Critics began overanalyzing an interaction between Kylie and Pamela after the TikTok account Paris Match uploaded a video of the celebrities posing for a picture together while at the Chanel show during Paris Fashion Week. They were both dressed in stylish white ensembles and complementary black sunglasses, looking very similar fashion-wise.

What eagle-eyed fans zoomed in on in the clip, beyond their outfits, was how Kylie seemed to put on a front like they were having a hilarious conversation. Meanwhile, the Baywatch star had more a serious demeanor and didn’t seem to be engaging with Kylie Cosmetics founder in the same way, which many pointed out on Reddit. “Pam is like ‘why is this b- -h sitting so close to me !??’ How is she not embarrassed,” one wrote on Reddit.

Another ranted: “I’m not even trying to be rude but they really need to stop inviting her to these events. She clearly doesn’t belong and ends up embarrassing herself every single time.” A third person slammed that Kylie “never learned how to just sit down and shut up.

..” and that all her money “couldn’t buy class.

” Some went as far as to theorize why Pamela may have seemed to be less receptive to the reality star. One shared: “This must be quite a mindf- -k for Pamela who’s sat there thinking ‘I was scrutinized and dragged by society for the same behavior a.

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