
New Zealand First's Shane Jones. Photo: RNZ By Anneke Smith of RNZ New Zealand First ministers are refusing to back down from comments they made towards immigrant MPs in the House this week. MPs were debating the Prime Minister's statement on Tuesday when Shane Jones yelled "send the Mexicans home" across the floor.

Winston Peters then told Green MPs Lawrence Xu-Nan and Francisco Hernandez to "show some gratitude" for being in New Zealand. The Green Party has now written to the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the House asking they take action, saying the comments were "outwardly racist and xenophobic". Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March.

File photo "People who wish to cause harm and violence on migrant communities end up feeling empowered and embolden when they see people in positions of power saying those outwardly racist and xenophobic thing," he said. "We are already seeing attacks on migrant communities on places like public transport and other parts of the community." March said the NZ First ministers were "straight up taking a page out of the Trump book.

" "It is inexcusable for the Prime minister to be completely silent when it comes to the behaviour of his own ministers who are getting away with this." March also said the speaker should make a ruling. Shane Jones is doubling down on his comments.

"This guy's got to grow a pair, he swaggers around in Parliament, been there five or 10 minutes and thinks he can tell Winston and I what to do," he told Morning Report. "He .

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