
Nigeria is gradually becoming overwhelmed by its insecurity challenge. But the nature of insecurity defer from one geo-political zone to another. In the North East, especially Borno, Bauchi and Adamawa, Nigeria has been fighting terrorism of the worst order in the last 17 years and counting.

The terrorists are led by Islamic extremists seeking territories to declare Islamic caliphate. In the North West the country has been fighting another form of terrorism called banditry in the last eight years running. The bandits, a mixture of criminals and religious extremists engage in kidnapping for money, invasion of communities and rendering them desolate, and cattle rustling.

In the North Central and parts of Southern Kaduna, the culprits that sack the communities are alleged to be Fulani militias that turned the area into killing fields and renaming conquered areas after Fulani names. They are mostly people that harbour expansionist aspirations but use religion as a decoy. In the South West, they contend with killer herdsmen and criminal invaders that turn their forests into kidnappers’ den.

The region also contends with ritual killings and bloody communal strives. In the South South, insecurity started from agitations for resource control. But initial protests against environmental degradation gradually turned into kidnapping of expatriates and indigenous oil workers as a means of driving home their point.

Also, vandalism of oil pipelines and other facilities as well as oil bunk.

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