
SOME dog breeds whether you like it or not have better reputations than others. And now two dog trainers have shared what they think of some of the most popular breeds in the UK. Advertisement 2 The dog trainers said there was one dog they wouldn't trust Credit: Getty Fortunately, Iain and Jacob, two dog trainers from Yorkshire haven't held back on what they think of the dogs.

Speaking on the Caffeine and Canine podcast, Jacob said: "Today everyone, we're playing Doggy Bingo." The game sees the pair get a breed called out and they have to say what they really think of each pooch. And one notorious dog breed that made it into the game was the Chow Chow.

Advertisement READ MORE ON DOGS CANINE CHAOS I'm a vet nurse - 5 'high-maintenance' & 'crazy' dog breeds I would never own TOO RUFF I’m a vet and there’s one dog breed I’m so scared of - they’re unhinged The Chow Chow is a spitz-type of dog breed originally from Northern China. Speaking of the pooch, Jacob said this breed can be ropey and he would never give it too much trust. He added: "(They) can be ropey dogs, but people with Chow Chows on the internet really fly the flag for them.

"Like, 'Oh mine doesn't kill people,' well fine, but wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them. Bronze tier." Advertisement Most read in Fabulous FROCK YES Shoppers in frenzy over ‘most stunning dress’ at ‘on the brink’ fashion store HAD MY FILL I spent £80k on 4 boob jobs, cheek fillers & Botox but I've had it ALL reversed '.

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