
The shopping haven has fallen from grace and feels almost unrecognisable from its prime When I moved to Liverpool little under a decade ago the hotspot for unique clothing and items was Bold Street . There was fierce competition between the city centre location and further afield rival Lark Lane, but I was never swayed to make the journey. I spent hours trawling Bold Street, popping into stores not my style but intriguing nonetheless.

My cash strapped university student image was entirely because of the endless bargains available in Resurrection. Now, a stroll along the street feels isolating unless you're visiting on an empty stomach. While a few long standing clothing and homeware businesses remain, they're slowly being eclipsed by the growing number of food spots dominating the area.

Bold Street is famed for its massive selection of international cuisine. There are Mexican, Vietnamese, Turkish and Korean restaurants along with classic takeaways featuring burgers, fish and chips, and everything else you could possibly imagine. The street currently holds four different pizzerias, which, if we're being frank, bare very little difference from each other.

Pizza Punks, Rudy's, American Pizza Slice and Crust are all fighting for the same market which begs the question, why does a single street need so much pizza? This conundrum is pushed even further if you consider the vast quantity of takeaway options offering the same menu at a lower price. The aforementioned are competing wit.

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