
A FORMER Hockey coach accused of stabbing his wife to death in bed after he began seeing another woman claimed she took her own life, a court heard. Mohamed Samak, 42, has denied killing Joanne Samak, 49, at their home in Droitwich Spa in the early hours of July 1, 2024. 3 Mohammed Samak, 42, denies killing his wife Joanne Samak, 49 Credit: Facebook 3 Joanne was found dead in the early hours of July 2024 Credit: Facebook 3 Mohamed waited for more than an hour before calling 999 for Joanne Credit: West Mercia Police The Egyptian sportsman was arrested by West Mercia Police after his alleged victim was found at the address with what police described as unsurvivable injuries.

He claims his wife stabbed herself in the stomach and chest after struggling with her mental health and alcohol, drinking two bottles of wine four times a week. But prosecutors said Samak was seeking to characterise his wife as "an out-of-control alcoholic in order to bolster his account that Joanne took her own life". He waited for more than an hour before calling 999 and then "did nothing" to help his dying wife before telling a "pack of lies" about what had happened, the court heard.

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