There are some scenes in WWE history that have etched themselves into the minds of wrestling fans all over the world. It’s the same in any sport. As a Premier League fan, could you imagine a world where Aguero hadn’t broken QPR hearts to net Manchester City the 2012 Premier League title in the most iconic of fashions? Highlight reels without Eric Cantona’s ‘kung fu’ kick at Crystal Palace, would just seem empty.
The wild and unpredictable world of WWE is no exception. Ask any fan of the Attitude Era to reel off its best moments will undoubtedly dig back to the same handful of memories. The Undertaker thrusting Mankind off the top of Hell in a Cell would rank highly, as would DX invading WCW.
In the mix somewhere, too, would be Bedpan McMahon – arguably Stone Cold Steve Austin’s most memorable attack on arch nemesis Vince McMahon, and there were a fair few! For the better part of three years, Austin and McMahon waged war with one another as fans tuned in week in, week out to see which of the pair would come out on top on an episode of Raw and, often, which brilliantly chaotic way Austin would torment McMahon next. In October of 1998, poor Vince was in right old strife with abuse coming from all corners. Having been caught flipping Undertaker the bird the week prior and getting his ankle smashed as a result, he ended up in hospital.
For no reason that was ever explained, he remained laid up there a week later for the next instalment of Raw. McMahon spent much of t.