
Lest we forget and allow what seemed like a serendipitous advantage dissipate, the Detty December celebrations that was had in Nigeria last month, perhaps we should strategically capitalise on same. Nigeria doesn’t have many such good fortunes very often, so, it’s advisable to grab this with two hands. In truth, Nigerians have always flocked back home from the diaspora every December.

Even those who have declared for asylum, on the pretext that they are being prosecuted in their home country, cannot resist the pull to come back home to where they belong. Some British TV personalities were shocked to discover this recently. Nigerians head home for several reasons – it could be the only opportunity they have to be with loved ones, or to tidy up their projects.

It could also be simply for the food and the air of camaraderie that they enjoy around this period. This December 2024 was slightly different. We had other Africans, and quite a bunch of African Americans coming through.

We even had Europeans and white Americans as well as Brazilians taking note, with a bunch of them coming with their friends to explore this Detty December thing. Well, it may be important to explain the etymology of Detty December. In street lingua, people say their eyes are ‘dirty’ when they’ve had a nice time – usually fueled by the intake of alcohol.

So, in short, Nigeria’s alure in December is for people to come and enjoy Nigeria’s cuisine, night club life, and everything in between..

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