
The Coastal Consumer Showcase is coming to the St. James Community Center on Thursday, Feb. 13, from 4 to 7 p.

m. Admission is free to the public. This popular event provides Brunswick County residents a one-stop-shop to see products and services that local businesses in the community offer.

Over 60 businesses from retail, service, professional, healthcare and home improvements will be on hand to answer questions and provide free samples, giveaways and demonstrations. One ticket to the Pick-a-Prize Auction will be given to those who attend and register, with additional tickets available for sale. “This is one of the best opportunities to explore goods and services offered by businesses in our area.

It’s definitely a ‘Do not miss!’ event!” said Will Mitchell, Corning Credit Union and Chair of the Coastal Consumer Show Committee. “Each year, we organize this event to provide our area residents a convenient way to learn about the wide-ranging products and services available in our community,” said Karen Sphar, executive vice president of the Southport-Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce. The Coastal Consumer Showcase is an event of the Southport-Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Fulford Heating & Cooling, Dosher Memorial Hospital, The State Port Pilot, Novant Health Brunswick Medical Center, Southport Magazine, Grey Outdoor, LLC, and SPT-OKI Magazine.

The Coastal Consumer Showcase is the first of three expos organized by the Chamber. The Coastal H.

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